yoga trainer
- 70427xxxx
- xxxxxxxx@mahayogi.org
Personal Info
I am Manish Shukla yoga instructor, I am giving home tuition since 2015. I am certified in kaivalyadham Yoga institute from lonavala Pune ( Maharashtra ). I have a degree in yoga Education. My key skills are hard yoga practice, Cleansing Process, meditation etc. My accomplishments in ICYHC Mumbai, gyan yog sewa Kendra Mumbai and htc sports club Gurgaon. I have 7 year experience in yoga field and home tuition.
Yoga is not just an exercise, it is how skillfully you can communicate and act in any given situation. Innovation, intuition, skills, and better communication: all these are effects of yoga. Yoga always promotes harmony in diversity. The word yoga itself means uniting.
Education Qualification :
P.G.Diploma In Yoga Education
Awards :
Best yoga teacher
Achievements :
Yoga is the most important for everyone
Yoga trainning skills
Flex Body
inner wisdom
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